Our Impromptu Trip to Japan, Tokyo
Ladies& gentleman, Dawn is back in Blogger. I have been always here but work and school has hindered my progress with a blog post ever since my last post. ): Anyways, I will first hop to this guide for Japan, Tokyo. It's my 2nd time in Japan. My first trip in Japan was proudly sponsored by Japan Government, more details of the collaboration of first trip can be found here (no details of itinerary). Back to Our Japan Trip , this trip was a pretty impromptu one. I have been saving links for Tokyo so you can see my big huge urge to fly there. There were several uncertainties that we had to confirm before we (my boyfriend and I) could book our tickets so... we only booked it one week 9 days before our trip :D Yeah, I know what's on your mind. So let me answer& hopefully able to guide you in the following paragraphs. Air Ticket Japan wasn't our must go destination. We were not settling on anything because it was impr...